About Me

You’re in good hands. No one likes to eat as much as I do.
I was a chubby kid and had some vanity pounds as an adult.
I love eating a whole-food, plant-based diet because you can eat a lot and enjoy it immensely.
If you would have told me back in 2015 that I would not only reverse my heart disease, but lose 20 pounds, grow younger, healthier, lower my blood pressure, and feel better than ever by eating this way, I would have laughed.
But here I am. I no longer have to wonder why I’m always battling my weight. I know I won’t age like my mom. I won’t spend my days going from the doctor to the pharmacy then collapsing with exhaustion.
I hate watching people struggle with every type of health issue imaginable. I can’t stand it when I know I have the key. Eating a whole-food, plant-based diet is the secret to avoiding or reversing disease, staying young, and easily being at your proper weight.
I have created an online course, cookbooks, and recipes to help you on your plant-based journey. I have made them with love and humor because I am passionate that everyone deserves to be a healthy, old bad ass.
In my younger years I did a lot of acting and improv and in my late thirties and early forties I conquered stand-up comedy. I was in the semi-finals of Roseanne Barr’s Funniest Mom in America Contest on Nickelodeon.
When I was in college I worked at a dating service and later owned a match-making business called Eight Friends Out. We hosted group blind dates and my Jewish mother was the chaperone and facilitator.
I can’t begin to tell you how funny this was, but it was also surprisingly successful. This was during the Cretaceous period; very pre-Tinder.
I met my husband when I was 15 and fell in love with him at first sight and still love him beyond measure. Together we have made three awesome humans.
We have built our empty nest dream home, with my dream kitchen. From there, I will show you how to cook up some yummy and delicious food that will get you skinny and make you healthy. What more do you want?